Vision Isthmus Bureau of Shipping (IBS) shallsteadily work to: Promote andfulfill the international safety standards and ensure the enforcement of theInternational Regulations and Conventions developed by the InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO) as well as the provisions from the MaritimeAdministrations that have authorized IBS to act on their behalf. IBS, aware ofthe preservation of human life at sea and the protection to marine environment,requires all representatives to carry out surveys according to the national andinternational guidelines in every case, with no prejudice whatsoever. Mission The mission of IsthmusBureau of Shipping Dalian Co., Ltd. is to serve the maritimeindustry by offering a dependable, flexible and cost-effective service, yet notjeopardizing our concern for the preservation of human life at sea and theprotection of marine environment. The entrepreneurial spirit, professionalism,honorability and reliability of our work together with our quality policy areIBS’ steady guidelines and commitments to the maritime community. Quality Policy We are a leading organization in classification and certification of vessels at the service of the international maritimecommunity. our work is based in compliance of requirements for safe operationsof ships and marine pollution prevention, working in continuous improvement,with a positive attitude to meet our clients demands. |