Belize Flag State has issued a Code of Conduct to eliminate substandard ships and improve performance under the Memorandum of Understanding. Ship owners, ship management companies and masters are advi
Jamaica Ship Flag State New Circular - on preventing drug and alcohol abuse among crew members. In April 2024, Jamaica issued a new circular (attached with Chinese translation) on preventing drug and
IBS技术通函No.202403 致:各船东、管理公司及在船船长主题:关于伯利兹新通函TD-IMM-GOB002-24 2024年2月9日,伯利兹国际商船注册处(IMMARBE)为消除伯利兹船队中不符合标准的船舶,并不断提高其在Tokyo MoU中的表现,已撤销其现有Tokyo MoU政策的“TD/IMM/GOB0001-19号通函”,代之以重新发布的Tokyo MoU政策TD-IMM-GO...
In support of Merchant Marine NoticeMMN-20-005 chartered by the (IMMARBE) Technical Department; we want to expressthe ad...
The International Labour Organization (ILO)during its 107th Session of its Conference approved amendments of 2018to the ...
This Merchant Marine Circular aims to emphasize and recall certaintechnical aspects related to implementation procedures...